
There is much more to a beautiful smile than perfect teeth. Building a better smile can be a life-changing experience. Our patients report feeling more confident after improving their smiles.  They are happier at home and bolder at work. Best of all, they smile more often. Each smile makeover patient came to see Dr. Gochar for a different reason. Some cases involve one or a few teeth, others involve several teeth. Different artistic mediums: porcelain, direct composite resin, whitening and gum line sculpting were all used in different combinations with the same goal in mind: taking the most conservative route in providing our patients with a naturally beautiful, stable smile.

"I like the parallel of a butterfly 'getting its wings' after undergoing a dramatic transformation from an unattractive caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly," states Dr. Gochar. Simply click on a patient to see and learn more about their own smile transformation.

All cases were treated and photographed by Dr. Gochar. No smiles have been digitally altered.

Having an attractive smile makes a a survey completed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, it was found that: 

  • 92% of adults agree that a beautiful smile is an important social asset.  
  • 88% say they remember a person with an exceptionally attractive smile.  
  • 85% say that an unattractive smile makes someone less appealing to others.  
  • 75% say that an unattractive smile can negatively influence a persons career.

So having a good smile makes a difference...but so does choosing a cosmetic dentist that can deliver exceptional results.